Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Baby A Baby... But Not my Baby...

Well, I haven't seen my one friend From Clinton in a couple years, Anyways I have known the last few months or so that she is going to have a baby. She is a lovely friend who I have been friends with Since my last year of highschool. And that would be actually grade 13 not grade 12. So anyways today I stopped by with some baby stuff that I had bought to bring to her.

Because I was working in Clinton for my last sunday before Racing is over till next summer. I have felt like I really have slacked over the last while in being her friend and I don't know why. I am not judgemental and I love people no matter what.
I think its because my mind has been focused else where.

Anyways I stopped by to see her today, And Unfortunately She wasn't home, She was gone to work but My friend's mom took the stuff and Said that once the baby is born that I had better stop in and see my friend and the baby.

But that means making another trip to Clinton, I really have no purpose in going to clinton nor do I like Clinton that much. I just go in the summer for the work and because I have some friends that I work with that I enjoy seeing every summer.

The baby is due in October, Which is a good month cause that is the month in which I was born, I know that the baby will be blessed with such a wonderful mother, As she is a wonderful friend. And I know that even though we don't talk sometimes as much as I would like and we don't even see each other that much that I know that she is always there for me when I need her.

I wish her all the best in her remaining 5 weeks... And all the best once the baby is born. I know that she will nurture this child well and that this baby will be blessed to have her as a mother.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Mary and Eden Z said...

I'm sure she appreciated the baby gifts. :)