Sunday, November 7, 2010

Up early

Today its sunday November 7th 2010 and we have gained an hour sleep oh how my body needed that extra hour sleep this morning and especially after the crazy and hectic week of work that I Have had.
The paper truck has been late all week. And because it had been late all week and then with picking up extra shifts at the western fair lets just say when I should have been sleeping I couldn't sleep and when I shouldn't be sleeping I wanted to sleep. I fell right to sleep last night. it was good! I came home from work at like around 11 and I laid right down and then I fell right to sleep the only bad thing is I woke up right at like 5:30 in the morning but man have I felt reguvinated after a long week. and to knock it all off I have lost my work id so I need to get a new one now and it sucks I hate when I lose things but I have to work on tuesday so I will have to replace it tomorrow so that I can work tuesday.
I hope all is well I love you all I will write more later. your all amazing.

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