Tuesday, June 23, 2009

blogging is hard to keep up with!!!!!!!

Hey Fellow Bloggers,
I have not been able to write on my blog for a while, because I have been extremely busy working, Playing baseball, working, church stuff, going out with the missionaries and many other things. It has taken up much of my free time. I know that many wonder how I am doing and when they haven't heard from me in a while. What is new in everyone's lives, My life seems to get increasingly busier and busier every day. So tomorrow is going to be a good but busy day! I am taking the sisters to the library in the morning then to H&M for some shopping I would imagine then who knows from there where to. They are kind of short on Kilometres this week and almost to the end of the month, They are kind of short cause last week I was having a problem with my car and it needed to be fixed, and so I would take the bus up and they would bring me home which made the short on Kilometres.
I have really done a lot of growing spiritually, I find that turning to the lord is the best solution for alot of problems. I want you to all know that I am excited I am getting to spend some of the time with the Sisters. I love spending time with them and especially on preparation day! I am picking them up at 10 and taking them to the library and then taking them to H&M I am totally excited to beable to do those things with them. I haven't seem them today and am kind of feeling like i miss them dearly, anyways I hope all is well with you and until next time.

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