Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Missionary Moment... and going out with the missionaries

On Friday evening I had the opportunity to have a missionary moment at work. Two of the girls where talking about comunion and different things to do with the Catholic church. And of course I have never gone to a catholic church, I have attended a lot of different churches during my day, and a lot with my friends but never a catholic on so Of course I started asking them questions about like Catholic's. And one of the girls that I work with was like why Don't you come to a catholic mass with me sometime and I was like Okay I will go to church with you if you come to church with me. And she agreed, This lady has never been willing to hear anything she has attended many of the historical sites in Missouri in August when She goes to see her daughter, and grandchildren for the Month of August. So getting her to agree to come to church with me was a huge accomplishment. Maybe the Lord is softening her heart.
On another Note, I was out with the Sister Missionaries Today! It was great 4 of us in there little car, Oh how I enjoy spending time with them we where suppose to be going to see 3 people all one right after then other, But none of the appointments fell through, So the Sisters and I did some drop by's and contacting. Oh how I love them, they think it is great for there to be 4 of us. Because they can have two sets of people go out and go different ways and contact and yeah.
So needless to say the day was great. I hope all is well with you, that you are just enjoying life. and you are grateful each day like I am for the many wonderful blessings heavenly father gives us, and the people that he puts into our lives for the reasons that he does.
Anyways I must go. But I just wanted to update, continue to be good examples.
I Love you all and until next time

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