Thursday, November 13, 2008


You're a true friend,
that I want you to know,
Our love for each other
has helped us to grow.
We've been through some tough times,
but we've made it through,
The only one I ever trusted was you.

I have many wonderful friends, Some Close Some Far and In other countries. But no Matter what they are my friends I can turn to them for simple little advice and know that they are always there to lend a ear when I need it. Whether friends since Public School days or friends in the last few months I want you to all know that I love you all. You have all been wonderful in helping mold and shape me to become a better friend. You have given me countless ends of advice and comforted me when I have been in need of comfort. You have helped me get back on the straight and narrow in life instead of off course on my own in a dark and dreary place. You have listened to simple little complaints and said nothing when I have needed you to say nothing.
Without the wonderful friends that I have in my life, I know that life would be different. I know that my happiness would always be sadness. I enjoy spending time with my friends when I see them when I or they are not busy. I enjoy celebrating special occasions with them. I enjoy just being around my friends because my friends have helped bring out the best in me. I know I have not always been the most open person with you all but I thank each and everyone of you for letting me tell you what I want to and not pushing me to share what I don't want to with you. For your patience that you have with me when I may make you angry or get you annoyed with me.

You are always a great example too me of what I need to do to better improve myself as a friend. Thanks for all your countless amounts of love. I am grateful for it all,
Your all wonderful I love you all your amazing.

"Don't walk in front of me,
I may not follow;
Don't walk behind me,
I may not lead;
Walk beside me,
and just be my friend."
": Unknown

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